
Physics Lab Technician Apprenticeship

Swiss Federal Certificate of Competence (EFZ) | Candidates will enjoy lab work and have an interest in physics and technology.

Lehrstelle als Physiklaborant/in EFZ

Your field of activity

As a Physics Lab Technician, you will be a part of the research and development team at FISBA. You will work in research, development, and material/quality assessment labs, as well as in production and assembly. Working for and alongside our engineers and scientists, you will conduct investigations and experiments using physical, electronic, optical and mechanical devices. You will set up apparatus and ancillary equipment for experiments and assembly lines. You will also implement precise protocols and analyze the results utilizing graphs and diagrams.


Prerequisites for this apprenticeship:

  • An interest in technical matters
  • An interest in physics and technology
  • Technical aptitude
  • Reliability and patience
  • Strong perseverance and ability to concentrate
  • Logical and abstract thinking, technical understanding and improvisation skills
  • Good imagination and observation skills
  • Good to excellent high school grades


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